Monday, March 10, 2008

講你又不聽,聽你又不做, 做你又做錯, 錯你又不改, 改你又不爽, 不爽你又不講

Sunday, February 17, 2008

2008 Girl expectation from Men.

他是一個混合體, 要有

1. 有六十年代男人的責任感;

2. 有七十年代男人的上進心;

3. 有八十年代男人的浪漫感;

4. 有九十年代男人的幽默感;

5. 廿一世紀男人的時代感。

Wow... I guess why I am still single.

Well, then spend those money for toys.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

C350 vs IS 350

Get a chance to try both Mercedes Benz C350 and Lexus IS 350.

Both are 3.5 liter engine, so I just use this as a comparison.

Definitely Lexus. IS 350 engine is much stronger, pull harder and rev higher compare to C350. Lexus engine with both direct injection and port injection.

Weight distribution:
Pretty much the same.


Mercedes. A whole new ball game. The ride is firm yet not too harsh.

Lexus. Benz is too touchy. But power Benz stop much shorter.

Benz. It looks more aggressive.

Benz. Why? Ride is so good everything else is not important. Plus good look is bonus.

越是有更多自由, 越需要自我約束 - Part II

I believe this can applied on love relationship.

Monday, August 27, 2007

越是有更多自由, 越需要自我約束 - Part I

Haven't written blog for awhile.

Busy for GMAT study. Hopefully can get into some good E-MBA to further my career.

I feel it is much harder to carry my school bag again when I work.

My study progress is very discouraging.

Lately, I realize "越是有更多自由, 越需要自我約束".

I didn't discipline myself enough and waste so much time.

Got to do something to push myself again.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

新郎, 你會點選擇呢

嘩, 朋友send吸我的. 如果我是新郎, ~sigh~, 真頭痛

Wisdom - 6/17/07

Aim for the best, prepare the worst, and let God take care the rest.

Friday, May 18, 2007

「照肺」 點解



意思是:上師/老闆 已經知道全部情況,有充份証據,先對犯錯員工「照肺」,責罵警告一次,就像X光底片一樣「無所遁形」,再犯錯再出問題,就不會手下留情動手開刀:處罰、燉冬菇、或炒魷另謀高就!





PS: "照肺"未必指被罵


最生動的例子就係明珠台播放的"飛黃騰達 (The Apprentice)";

每一集, 輸的一隊都要入會議室

明珠台叫呢幕做"面聖", 我覺得用"照肺"一詞更合適


Monday, May 14, 2007

Hi-End Turntable

Fresh from Frankfurt, Germany.

Rolf Kelch - Reference II

Musical Fidelity - M1

Sunday, May 13, 2007

女人有太大的殺傷力, 男人會害怕


Copy from:


正如某網頁所說, 「用這個「界刂」字形容年輕人愛情發生的速度恰如其分:一個快速的切割,一個帶進攻性的動作,最快得到女孩的愛情後一刀兩斷,動作痛快淋漓絕不拖泥帶水。數位化社會講求精確和理性,愛情順應潮流從屬於物質和效率,這樣的“快准狠”是現代情愛的標本。」



又有粵語研究網頁指出,用上「界刂」字其實是把男方/女方親密朋友當作蔬茶等一般人認為是非生物的東西,可以任人宰割(我們常常聽到「界刂菜」,就是把女孩子當菜來睇) 。「界刂女/仔」就是指把對方視作死物,視作玩偶,可以任其宰割,在肉體或精神上對其施以傷害,而一切無非為了個人本身的刺激及滿足,未有真感情在內。



Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Finally, I find out what "水擘擘" means.

Below is what I find out from the web.

水擘擘係泰文. "水擘擘"的擘擘 是more或very very的意思.意指非常漂亮. "水"發音"shu-ui"是指漂亮的意思,通常是形容物件或女人,甚少用於男人上.

Friday, May 4, 2007


誠字從言字邊,一個人係唔係誠,就關乎佢係咪講真說話,而只有講真說話既人呢,先至會令人心悅誠服,所以做長輩既,要時時記直住呢個字,咁先會得人尊重。一家人相處,亦都要開心見誠,互相坦誠,咁先可以和睦,如果攪到話你呃我我呃你,日子又點會過得開心?(溏心風暴第3集 - 大契)

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Love Relationship - Part 2


Friday, April 27, 2007

"Parking Lot" indicator

Job market is starting to pick up. Head hunters are now calling people around, luring them to go to start up company.

Something I learn from the past how to find a good Hi-Tech start up company.

This is what I developed "Parking Lot" indicator.

When you see lots of nice car in parking lot, like Lexus, BMW, Porsche ... it tells some workers already make the first bucket of money. Base on their connection, it has higher chance the company go IPO. Should think to go there.

But don't make this decision so quick. If those car don't leave after 9:00 p.m., which means those people work nights and days to make it. You have to think about if this life style fits you.

In addition, from my experience, if those nice car don't leave early, means they become rich thru work hard. Even they may make it, but usually don't make it big.

Those don't need to work hard usually have big company connection, and will get bought through acquisition by big company; Or have good relationship with venture captial with loads of cash. So they don't need to work too hard.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Organic fruit joke

My company order organic fruit everyday from to "refresh" our mind. (Give company excuse to call for early exec. meeting.)

When I check the crate boxes, they accidentally left the bill and charge $350 USD for several boxes. WOW!!! sounds like government business.

Other co-worker say we are in wrong kind of business that why our stock drop because we sell it so cheap.

And I joke around, we should sell our switches for million dollars and say it is "ORGANIC". Then our stock will come back.

I guess how we label and market the product is more important than anything else.

Monday, April 23, 2007

香港人常用Term士 - Part 2?



Sunday, April 22, 2007

Love relationship - Part I

Is in search of perfection is good or not?

I believe the goal is good. But how to approach make a big difference.

I recall one thing my ex-boss taught me why Microsoft is so successful.

1.) They sell junk for a fortune. That allows them to maximize their profit margin.
(Look at how many service pack and “Blue screen of death” we encounter)

2.) When they develop junk, time to market can be much faster.

Then he asks me for a scenario.

“ASIMO, suppose you can develop a bug free product in a year. Should you take a year to do so, or use 20-30% of the time to develop it which can satisfy 50% of the customers? Which method will you choose?”

For me, I will take a year. For him, he will take 20%. Why?

Instead of using 80% of time to perfect the software, he wants to use 80% of time to dominate the market. Before the competitor come up the product, he already started eat up the market. When their product comes, there is no vacancy available. Then starve them to death.

I know one friend who is trying to find a perfect husband. She looks gorgeous that’s why she has “Qualification” to be picky. She is keep looking till most of her friend get marry. She complain her “expiration date” is coming soon, there is no good men nowadays.

~Sigh~, why she didn’t take 80% of her time to complement with the imperfect one instead of wasting this valuable time to search endlessly for the one who has already been taken?

Saturday, April 21, 2007



我知道什麽是"Hair"吓, 但究竟這個Term係點樣出嚟呢?
點解用"閃"來形容速走? 走得快如"閃"電?
我讀書時用"Cult"女, 現在用"Gai"女. "Gai"女又怎樣出嚟呢?

~sigh~ 我真係好"NOR"!

Hi-End Speaker - Need technical aspect???

I left out technical aspect to those Hi-End speakers because I find those are boring to non-technical readers plus they are not that meaningful.

Even cheap Sony amplifier THD spec. is almost excellent in engineering aspect. But when you listen, everyone know what I mean.

Sorry, I never measure frequency response, step response ... myself.

Go and find those for yourself on the web.

Or maybe I write a blog to share how to read those chart. That maybe useful for people who are interested to know what those graphs mean.

Hi-End Speaker 4

Cabasse Atlantis.

Coherent like Tannoy Westminister, but more romantic. This speaker is like Château Lafite Rothschild winery. Music it generate is so smooth, and the after taste is so unbelievable it planted in my mind.

Time and phase coherent, romantic, smooth.

1.) Image is the strongest area to this speaker.

2.) Easy to drive. No muscle amplifier require.

1.) Frequency and transient response is not that great. A little bit too smooth for my taste. I prefer Thiel CS 7.2 or B&W Nautilus.
2.) Even bass generate believable sound volume. Again transient such as guitar puck is not that fast. It is on romantic side.

My 2 cents:
This speaker is good to use YBA Passion or Gryphon Encore amplifier to push. Musical Fidelity kW is also very good too. I really miss it til I find B&W Nautilus.

Hi-End Speaker 3

Okay, back to discuss Hi-End speaker.

B&W Nautilus - The prestige.

To me, it is the best speaker in the world.

Image, coherent, almost no box coloration.

1.) When I walk close to tweeter with low volume, sound came out from the nautilus tube make it surround the entire tweeter section. It is so life like almost can touch.

2.) No box coloration. I believe nautilus technology really works. Only Wilson Audio WATT come to mind close in this area.

1.) Need 4 power amplifiers for each channel. So 8 power amplifiers in total for traditional 2 channel system.
2.) Hard to match good speaker cable. Due to high impedance.

My 2 cents:
This speaker is not good for tube amplifier (Forget Jadis). So far the best with Classe Audio CA-M400. KRELL FPB 600 and was very good too.

Hi-End Speaker 2

Hi-End Audio ≠ Hi-Fi (High Fidelity) Sound

Every speaker have their own coloration. Some less, some more.

Is Hi-End speaker higher fidelity than the average one? For me, yes.

In my opinion, price for performance almost flat out after $8000 USD per pair. Anything above 8K is a matter of taste.

Like you get knock by Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali, either one will make you ring. Just get bruise in different place.

In my opinion, the price for performance ratio goes steepest from $500 - $2000 USD.

Below 2K, Vandersteen 2ce Signature is my favorite. Small speaker, I pick Harbeth LS 3/5A or a mystery speaker I will introduce later.

So is the highest fidelity speaker the best? To me it is not.

To me I need some "favor" or "coloration" in the speaker.

In this way, I can listen more variety of music because music itself is more important than speaker.

Some of you may know. If you listen to Polygram recording using studio monitor like Genelec. After one to two hours, you will feel so tired.

Why, because the recording is not perfect. So the perfect speaker will reveal the bad recoding so mercilessly.

So the Hi-End speaker I am going to introduce have a good level of fidelity mix with a coloration that brings the music more "Favor". Like salt in the meat, to bring its favor out.

Enough definition. Now, let's talk about some Hi-End stuff.

Monday, April 16, 2007

My view to Hi-End Loudspeaker

Below are the best loudspeaker I ever encounter.

Some of those I am lucky enough to enjoy.

I will try to describe those speaker sound characteristic as objective as a robot can - ASIMO.

B&W Nautilus - The prestige

Cabasse Atlantis

MBL - 101 E

Infinity IRS V

Apogee - The Grand

JM Lab - Utopia Be

Dynaudio - Evidence Master

Duntech - Soverign

Saturday, April 14, 2007

我對 Lexus IS 350 的看法. 展望未來 IS-F

究境 Lexus 凌志工程師知不知道 BMW 寶馬 3 Series 的成功原因嗎?

還是 Lexus 行政堅持他們一向造車的作風, 以靜,舒適為工司的造車旨標或哲學?

在 1990, 他們的口號 "Relentless Pursuit of Perfection", 在他們的車系上盪然無存.

寶馬 3 series 的成功在於 "Handling", "Ride", "Feel", "Luxury", "cabin space", "50/50 Weight Balance", "Brand Name" 及 "Price" 各種 factor 的平衡.

現在的 IS-350 巳經行快, 很 "powerful", 但沒有 enough "road feel", "steering feel", "smoothness of engine sound". 我覺得 Lexus 要取得 3-Series 市場先, 才對新 M3 作出攻勢. 現在太急進了!

我想 IS-F 將會是 IS 350 的 "higher power edition. 如果是要 "power", 人們可以買 "STi" or "Evolution", 為何買M3 或 AMG C63 呢.

希望 Lexus 除了"increase power" 外, 也能 improve 其他 factor. Achieve better balance hence reach "Relentless Pursuit of Perfection" 的口號吧!